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Jul 01, 2015
Lots / Units Switch You can select if you want to trade using Lots or units for each symbol using the Lots selector in MarketWatch. Lots - i.e. 3 Lot…
Jun 23, 2015
Spotware Systems announce the expansion of their technology infrastructure to support brokers offering the cTrader Suite to traders in China.Spotware …
Jun 21, 2015
cTrader's team welcomes its community to learn and enhance the skills in mirror trading with a new series of educational video tutorials "Mirror Tradi…
May 25, 2015
cTrader team is pleased to receive a detailed and professional review from, a leading forex online media portal with a focus on provi…
Mar 11, 2015
Video Tutorial: Simple way to Backtest your cBots with cAlgo See how your robots would have performed if they ran within a certain historical time fra…
Feb 13, 2015
Comparing cTrader to the other popular FX platform. This video review shows how cTrader comes on top in transparency, fairness, execution, speed, reli…
Feb 03, 2015
cTrader announce today that its highly anticipated mirror-trading platform "cMirror" has now gone live. For the past year, traders around the world we…
Feb 03, 2015
Alexander Chauzov, product manager at cTrader stated: "Once a broker signs up with Autochartist, our users then have the ability to see a variety of p…
Dec 08, 2014
cTrader announces it has expanded the range of markets that can be offered through its award-winning trading platform with the addition of CFDs on Equ…
Oct 20, 2014
Detach TradeWatch tabs You can detach TradeWatch tabs, so as to see their content in a new window by dragging them out of TradeWatch. Optimization Now…